My name is Kenneth Ingram, and I never thought I’d make a career out of casino blogging. Yet, here I am, living a life I couldn’t have imagined when I was younger, weaving together my passion for the world of casinos with my love for storytelling. It’s a journey that has been full of twists and turns, much like the unpredictable games of chance that fill the casino floors.

I grew up in a small town where gambling wasn’t exactly encouraged. My parents were hardworking, traditional folks who believed in saving every penny and working toward a secure future. They’d never set foot in a casino, and they definitely didn’t understand the appeal of games like blackjack, poker, or roulette. But even as a kid, I was drawn to the excitement, the idea of beating the odds, and the allure of winning big.
I think it all started with my fascination for numbers and strategy. Math was always my favorite subject in school, and I quickly became obsessed with puzzles and games that required a tactical approach. I remember sneaking into the local convenience store to buy scratch-off tickets, hoping for that small thrill of a win. Those early experiences sparked something in me that would grow much bigger later on.
It wasn’t until my college years that I got my first real taste of casinos. Some friends and I took a road trip to Las Vegas, which turned out to be a defining moment in my life. Stepping onto the casino floor for the first time was like walking into another world. The lights, the sounds, the intensity—it was overwhelming and exhilarating. I started small, playing blackjack and poker, but I found myself captivated not just by the games but by the psychology behind them. What drove people to risk it all? How did they react when they won or lost? It wasn’t long before I realized that the casino was more than just a place to gamble—it was a microcosm of human nature.
After that trip, I knew I wanted to learn everything I could about casinos. I dove deep into studying the strategies behind different games, reading books, watching professional players, and spending time at casinos whenever I could. But my love for casinos wasn’t just about playing. I was fascinated by the stories—the highs, the lows, and everything in between. I wanted to share those stories, so I started a small blog, more for fun than anything else. I didn’t expect it to go anywhere.
The early days of blogging were slow. I wasn’t the only voice out there talking about casino life, but I had a unique perspective. I wasn’t just another gambler trying to sell a get-rich-quick strategy. I approached it like a storyteller, sharing real-life experiences, offering insights into the casino culture, and breaking down the myths surrounding gambling. I was honest about my wins and losses, and I think people connected with that.
Over time, my blog gained traction. I started to cover more than just games; I wrote about the casinos themselves, from the small, local spots to the extravagant resorts in Vegas and Macau. I’d review new slot machines, compare loyalty programs, and even delve into the psychology of gambling addiction. I found a niche as someone who could balance the thrill of gambling with responsible play. Soon, I had a steady audience of readers who valued my perspective, and I realized that this could be more than just a hobby.
As my blog grew, so did my opportunities. I was invited to visit casinos around the world, getting exclusive behind-the-scenes access to some of the most renowned gambling destinations. I’ve been to Monaco, Singapore, and even remote places like the casinos in the Canadian wilderness, each with its own unique atmosphere. I’ve met high-rollers who bet more in a night than most people make in a year and regular folks who just enjoy the social aspect of playing a few hands of cards on the weekend.
But the more I immersed myself in this world, the more I understood that it’s not all glitz and glamour. Gambling can be dangerous, and I’ve seen firsthand how it can ruin lives. I’ve met people who have lost everything chasing that elusive big win, and I’ve seen the darker side of addiction that casinos don’t often advertise. It became important to me to talk about this in my blog, to show both sides of the coin. Gambling can be fun, but only when done responsibly.
I’m often asked how I’ve managed to stay grounded in an industry that’s all about risk and reward. I think it comes down to balance. I don’t gamble recklessly, and I don’t encourage others to do so. I always remind my readers that casinos are businesses designed to make money, and the odds are never truly in your favor. For me, gambling is about entertainment. If you’re smart and play within your limits, you can have a great time without hurting yourself financially or emotionally.
Today, my blog is my full-time job. It’s hard to believe that something I started as a side project has turned into a career that lets me travel, meet interesting people, and do what I love. I’ve even branched out into video content, where I offer live reviews of casinos and games, and I host a podcast where I interview industry insiders, from professional players to casino managers. The world of gambling is ever-evolving, especially with the rise of online casinos and mobile gaming, and I enjoy keeping my finger on the pulse of these changes.
Looking back, I’m grateful for the path I’ve taken. I’ve learned so much about myself and about people in general. Casinos may be about chance, but life is about making the most of the hand you’re dealt. I’ve always believed that success is a combination of strategy, luck, and resilience. Whether I’m sitting at a poker table or writing my next blog post, that philosophy guides me.
I’m Kenneth Ingram, and this is my story—a casino blogger who found his calling in the world of games, strategy, and the human spirit.